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Tag: Rand Corporation

Rand Corporation President Chief Executive Officer Michael Rich “Expert Witness Files” – The Rand Corporation Research and Analysis Center to the United States Armed Forces – HM Ministry of Defence Procurement Roger Facer + The Carroll Institute Director-General Roger Facer – FBI Director Christopher Wray – DOJ “Criminal Prosecution Files” – NSA NATIONAL SECURITY AGENCY FORT MEADE MARYLAND * DNI DIRECTOR OF NATIONAL INTELLIGENCE * DIA DEFENSE INTELLIGENCE AGENCY * CSS CENTRAL SECURITY SERVICE DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE = CARROLL INSTITUTE TRUST = CARROLL ANGLO-AMERICAN TRUST = GERALD 6TH DUKE OF SUTHERLAND TRUST = CIA CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY LANGLEY VIRGINIA * US PENTAGON CHAIRMAN OF THE JOINT CHIEFS OF STAFF * ICE IMMIGRATION AND CUSTOMS ENFORCEMENT * DEA DRUG ENFORCEMENT ADMINISTRATION – US Department of Justice Most Famous Corporate Identity Theft Liquidation Case in History

Rand Corporation President Chief Executive Officer Michael Rich “Expert Witness Files” – The Rand Corporation Research and Analysis Center to the United States Armed Forces – HM Ministry of Defence Procurement Roger Facer + The Carroll Institute Director-General Roger Facer – FBI Director Christopher Wray – DOJ “Criminal Prosecution Files” – NSA NATIONAL SECURITY AGENCY FORT MEADE MARYLAND * DNI DIRECTOR OF NATIONAL INTELLIGENCE * DIA DEFENSE INTELLIGENCE AGENCY * CSS CENTRAL SECURITY SERVICE DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE = CARROLL INSTITUTE TRUST = CARROLL ANGLO-AMERICAN TRUST = GERALD 6TH DUKE OF SUTHERLAND TRUST = CIA CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY LANGLEY VIRGINIA * US PENTAGON CHAIRMAN OF THE JOINT CHIEFS OF STAFF * ICE IMMIGRATION AND CUSTOMS ENFORCEMENT * DEA DRUG ENFORCEMENT ADMINISTRATION – US Department of Justice Most Famous Corporate Identity Theft Liquidation Case in History

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MAINSTREAM NEWS MEDIA EXTRACTS: I The Carroll Foundation Trust and parallel Gerald 6th Duke of Sutherland Trust multi-billion dollar corporate identity theft liquidation bank fraud bribery case has revealed that the Toronto Dominion Bank has been named in the FBI Scotland Yard “cross-border” criminal “standard